Webflow is changing the game regarding web design. 

It is a website builder that allows you to create custom websites without coding. With Webflow, you can design your own responsive website using a visual editor. You can also add interactions and animations, and more.

But sometimes, an artist's rut can make it difficult to develop a good design idea. However, it's much easier to recreate the website once you have a cloneable asset. The best Webflow Showcases inspire other designers and developers to create great websites. In this article, we will share some of the best Webflow Showcases for you to drive inspiration.

What is Webflow Showcase? 

Webflow Showcase search is your premier destination for discovering other Webflow enthusiasts' work. You'll find professional and amateur templates, animations, interactions, and much more in this section of our website. Most of them are true artwork.

While various showcases are available to inspire your imagination, you'll also see items marked as "Cloneable" in Webflow, meaning you can copy the website, modify it, and play around with your new design. 

This is a great way to start developing with Webflow and designing websites - so if you're new to website design, this is a good place to start! All cloneable designs are completely free.

How do you showcase on Webflow?

If you want to showcase your Webflow skills to potential employers or clients, one way to do so is by webflow showcase search cloneable templates. By duplicating and then customizing a template, you can demonstrate your understanding of Webflow and your ability to create unique designs.

There are several different ways to find cloneable templates on Webflow. 

  • One way is to go to the Templates tab in the web editor and click on the Clone button for any template that interests you. 
  • Alternatively, you can search for "Webflow cloneable templates" on Google or another search engine. Once you find a template you like, simply click on the "Clone this site" button to create a duplicate.
  • Once you have a cloneable template, you can start customizing it to show your style. Change colors, fonts, images, and more. Add content and pages. When you're finished, save your webflow projects and publish them!

Is Webflow like Wix?

Unlike Wix, Webflow is equipped with an internal HTML/CSS editor so users can customize their site from the inside out. With Webflow, users have the power to create custom interactions and animations based on user events, page load & scroll, and more.

Can you self-host with Webflow?


You can self-host your Webflow projects anywhere you want. But if you choose to self-host, you'll need to download the source code and then upload it every time you make a change.

Is Webflow good for CMS?

Webflow comes with an easy-to-integrate CMS that can be customized to your business's needs. Not only is adding a CMS to your site easy for your team, but it's scalable so that it can grow with your company.

Best webflow cloneable templates to inspire web designers 

Here are some of the best webflow showcase cloneable to help you with your Webflow website design: 

  1. Rememory Directory

Rememory Directory is a digital directory where Black women and non-binary people from the African Diaspora can showcase their work and experiences. The site is clean and minimalistic but also aesthetically pleasing so that your attention stays focused on the content.

Rememory Directory
Source: Rememory Directory
  1. Weglot 

Weglot is a customizable UI design kit ideal for translation software. Customizable for 14 languages, it comes with style-specific features for every language. If you're looking to set up a multilingual site, you'll find no better showcase than Weglot. 

And this webflow showcase is cloneable, which means you can integrate it into your website design in minutes.

Source: Weglot
  1. Nine-ties.io

Nine-ties.io generates sketch prompts that are cartoon characters from the nineties for an added nostalgic feel. It was created by people born right when the nineties hit, so they wanted to make something that captured what it was like. 

Nine-ties.io is easy to use and only has a static page with all the prompts. Users can subscribe to stay updated on new prompts or just view the ones on the current page under "prompts." If users want to submit their prompt idea, they need to fill in contact details before creating a new one under "suggestions."

Source: Nine-ties.io

This website-based tool helps you determine the EM Conversion Rates for different pixel widths, max & min-width, and line heights. The website’s creator also has a YouTube channel that provides free tutorials on using this website project tool. You can also use this webflow portfolio site's design elements as inspiration.

  1. Rogue & Rosy

Rogue & Rosy is a company that sells alcohol-infused jam products. They designed their homepage to be contemporary, clean, and stunning. If you need graphics for your e-commerce website, you should clone Rogue & Rosy.

Rogue & Rosy
Source: Rogue & Rosy

The website features a bright red background and a fun, artistic font. The bold color can sometimes be hard to look at, but the clean and modern design makes it easy to read and navigate the content.

  1. Artisan Website Company

High-quality design is essential for any business. Artesian website company is best suited for design studio companies, but these graphics can also be for multiple projects. If you run an art studio or a marketing firm, such webflow templates look great and match your business style and colors.

Artisan Website Company
Source: Artisan Website Company

This design is perfect for vintage or retro themes. The main colors are brown and white, which gives it a luxurious feel. If you want your website design to look professional, this webflow showcase cloneable is the one!

  1. Simple Snap Scroll 

Simple Snap Scroll asset allows designers to create animated full-size landing pages. These pages are easy for website users to navigate, and the UI design creates a unique, 

user-friendly experience. The colors on each page can match or contrast your branding to suit different web pages.

Simple Snap Scroll‍
Source: Simple Snap Scroll
  1. Audio Player In Webflow

This audio player is a great way to incorporate an audio element into your website. The options include three different ways to add audio to your site: a basic HTML audio player, a styled mp3 player, and an embed code for SoundCloud songs.

It's super easy to customize your audio player to match the design of your website. Adding an audio player function is the perfect solution if you want to start a podcast site or a music portfolio.

Audio Player In Webflow
Source: Audio Player In Webflow
  1. Webflow Merch Store

The Webflow Merch Store is the ideal cloneable template for e-commerce sites. This showcase allows creators to post products like clothing and accessories purchased online.

Webflow Merch Store
Source: Webflow Merch Store

The landing page features items that allow easy access to all the important data. These include a grid-style pattern with pictures of the product and its price and color options. You can give them sizing and quantity options for products on the individual product page.

Make This showcase webflow your behind-the-scenes partner. The Webflow merchandise store template is your hassle-free solution to creating an e-commerce store.

  1. Pricing Calculator

Customers need clear and easy-to-read pricing models on your website. A Pricing Calculator lets users explore different options without being inundated with prices. It builds trust, which encourages sales conversions.

Pricing Calculator‍
Source: Pricing Calculator

Adding a pricing calculator to your website is the key if you offer products and services. A fully functional, easily readable pricing model is a surefire way of attracting and converting potential sales prospects. You can make changes on the spot, so customers don't have to worry about hidden costs. This builds trust between you and clients as you provide them with transparency upfront.

  1. Scroll into view

Sometimes, designers have difficulty mastering how scroll-into-view works for short web page sections. Mor Tene and Ilya Lisi designed an amazing and functional cloneable asset that can help you learn how different scrolling styles work. If you're wondering how to create animations that guide people through your content, this showcase is definitely worth a look.

Scroll into view‍
Source: Scroll into view
  1. Christian Beatty 

Christian Beatty is all about personality and content. This webflow blog showcase is worth checking out if you're seeking a portfolio that features a sleek, intuitive dark mode design. Be it the blog section or a "hire me" page, every page on this website has something to offer.

Christian Beatty ‍
Source: Christian Beatty 
  1. Webflow Pricing Component

Flowbase has done it again with another great showcase webflow cloneable asset, this time a pricing page. This website is great for selling products or services with a banner, navbar, 3-column grid, and footer.

Webflow Pricing Component
Source: Webflow Pricing Component

Key Takeaway 

There are a lot of great Webflow Showcases out there. This post has summed up some of our favorites. We hope our roundup has inspired you for your next project and that you find these sites inspirational!

If you know of any other great Showcases, share them with us in the comments below!

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