Webflow is becoming one of the most sought-after website building tools for developers.  

Webflow has gained vast popularity in the design and development industry, and it is becoming one of the best no-code website building and hosting tools on the market. If you operate a webflow website, you might be wondering about webflow security.

If you own a popular website, you understand how important it is to have a secure website. Website security is crucial to protect your website from any cyberattacks and other digital harm. 

Website security can seem like a complex issue but worry not, as this guide will tell you how to make a website secure in simple steps. Use this guide as a website security checklist for webflow.  

internet security
Source: Website Malware Removal

What Is Webflow?

If you’re new to the world of webflow, webflow is a visual web design tool that uses your design to create clean, ready-to-use codes. Webflow is heavily used by developers and designers, but it’s easy enough to be used by everyone. 

If you work in the design industry, webflow is an incredibly helpful tool that requires no additional technical knowledge. You configure your design into webflow, and it gives you a code that can be used immediately to build your website. Webflow has customizable options, and it helps you create a unique and attractive website. 

How Secure Is Webflow?

Webflow features enterprise-grade security even at its lowest price point. According to the Webflow guide, Webflow follows state-of-the-art website security practices. These practices are found in third-party audits and their website infrastructure itself.

If you are using CSRF, XSS, XFS, SQL injection, and other website attack vectors, Webflow thoroughly screens them due to their advanced engineering and QA process. 

What Is Website Security?

When you make your website secure, you take certain measures to protect it from cyberattacks. 

Why Is Website Security?

People want secure websites because they don’t want their work to be hacked. Having a secure website is important for your online presence. If you run an e-commerce business, it is important to have website security to protect your work and clients. 

If a website is hacked or is under a cyberattack, it loses up to 98% of its traffic. Having an  unsecured website is just as bad as not having a website. 

A client data breach from cyber attacks can lead to lawsuits, heavy fines, and a loss of reputation. This is why if you are running an e-commerce business, you secure your website. 

Why Do Websites Get Hacked?

As of 2019, there are an estimated 1.94 billion websites online. This high volume provides an extensive playground for hackers to do their work. People often assume that smaller websites might not be on a hacker's radar and are less likely to suffer cyber-attacks.  

This is not true as hackers are likely to go for small websites as they are for bigger ones. Hackers choose bigger websites to steal valuable information; apart from that, they can meet their hacking goals by attacking small websites too. 

According to the Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report, 43% of cyber attacks targeted small businesses. This number highlights the importance of having secure websites, especially for small business owners. 

Having a secure website is important for website owners and website users. If you have a secure website, you can maintain your client’s trust and have your website running smoothly. 

How Does Webflow Provide Security?

If you’re unsure what steps you need to take to secure your website, you need a website-building tool that will provide these tools for you. If you are looking for such a platform, then Webflow is your tool. 

Alongside the various site-building tools, webflow provides comprehensive security features built into your website. You don’t need any third-party extension to secure your webflow website. 

Using a website-building platform with dedicated resources for site security, you are free to focus on all the exciting elements that will make your website shine.

Webflow builds security into the foundation of your website and keeps those security best practices informed and up to date for you. Webflow security issues are almost non-existent. Here’s how webflow ensures your website’s security.

SOC 2 Compliance

Webflow is SOC 2 compliance. SOC 2 stands for Service Organization Control 2. If a website has SOC 2 compliance, it means that the website has rigorous security practices and keeps them updated. There are five trust criteria a SOC 2 compliant website needs to pass. These are:

  • Security: Your system and information is protected from unauthorized use.
  • Availability: Secure systems are available to be used consistently.
  • Integrity: Your system operates in an accurate and timely manner.
  • Confidentiality: Information provided on your website is confidential and protected.
  • Privacy: When information is gained, used, and discarded, it is done securely.

Secure Hosting and Encryption

All webflow data is end-to-end encrypted between webflow’s server and your website. Webflow hosting automatically includes an SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate for your website; therefore, your site will be secure and visibly trustworthy for your users. Webflow SSL ensures your site information is always secure.

No Unreliable Plugins

Webflow does not use any vulnerable plugins for your website. This feature sets webflow apart from other website-building platforms such as WordPress. Webflow integrates core features such as SEO, CMS, and visual design. However, WordPress uses third-party plugins to enable these features. 

When using plugins, you might use several plugins that pose a serious threat to your website security. It is difficult to assess the safety of third-party plugins, so it is important to use a website such as webflow, where you would not need them. 

Now that you know more about webflow security, here is a website secure checker you can use to secure any website. 

Webflow Security Checklist 

Any business may have its website targeted by hackers. There are several security threats like malware, brute force attacks, SQL injections, and DDoS attacks they can use to steal your customers’ data and other sensitive information. 

A security checklist has all of the security measures needed to ensure the safety of your website. 

Block Spam

If you run a blog website, you might experience spam comments. Spam comments can be people selling products, sketchy links, or the same comments repeatedly. Spam comments are one of the most common ways a hacker can attack your website. 

Spam comments can make people lose trust in your website, making them less likely to visit it again. Spam comments mess with Google's SEO relevance making it difficult for your website to rank high. It is important to take the necessary steps to prevent spam comments on your page.

Webflow offers Disqus, an integration that helps your website identify and moderate comments. Disqus is great at filtering any unnecessary comments, and it is recommended by several webmasters and cybersecurity experts. 

Webflow protects all your data through Webflow form security. 

Protect Your Website From DDoS Attacks

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) is a major cyber security threat. In a DDoS attack, hackers attack a website with fake requests. This causes your website to be temporarily or indefinitely disrupted. Hackers can access your site when your website becomes unavailable and inject malicious code. If your website goes offline for some time, this affects your brand’s reputation. 

To prevent a DDoS attack on your website, you need a secure website hosting provider. Webflow hosting security is state-of-the-art, and webflow is DDoS websites free. 

Prevent XSS Cross-site Scripting

Another method hackers use to comprise your website is through XSS cross-site scripting. In this tactic, hackers add unreliable code to websites that pass into the website user’s computers and steal all their information. With this tactic, hackers can capture your and your client’s data and private information.

Webflow content security policy is very strong. By using Webflow, you won’t have to worry about XSS cross-site posting. Webflow uses an AWS defense shield to protect against such attacks. You get AWS for free when you use Webflow.

Prevent SQL Injection

SQL servers manage most website server databases. In SQL injection, hackers inject their bad SQL code into your website and gain access to sensitive data. Webflow data security provides your website with an AWS shield protecting against such attacks. 

Install An SSL Security Certificate

An SSL certificate is important if you want your website to rank higher in Google searches. Without an SSL certificate, your website is prone to security risks. Webflow offers free SSL certificates to ensure the safety of your website. 

Webflow strict transport security protects any visitors that come to your site. This works alongside webflow security headers. 

Backup Your Website and Its Data

It is important to have a backup of your data in case of any emergency cyber attack. Weblow offers a reliable way to back up and restore your website.

Key Takeaways

You need security for websites to have a reliable communication tool with your customers. Webflow offers several different features that make it easy to secure a website. 

Having a secure website helps protect your business and your clients.

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