Looking to convert prospects into leads? Add forms to your Webflow website!

According to a 2017 report by Hubspot, organizations receive 470,000 website visitors, 1,800 leads, and 300 new customers per month. If you want to engage visitors, gather valuable information, and generate a high volume of leads, add forms to your website. Forms can serve several purposes. They allow users to contact you, sign up for newsletters or emails, purchase products or services, or provide feedback. 

Source: Unsplash

Webflow is a powerful platform that allows designers and developers to create and host websites without traditional coding. One of the unique features of Webflow is its ability to create advanced forms for website user interaction. This article will delve into Webflow forms and discuss everything you need to know to create your own advanced forms.

Let’s begin!

What are Webflow Forms?

Webflow forms are interactive elements that allow users to input data and submit it to the website owner. They are an essential element of any website, as they enable users to contact the website owner, sign up for newsletters,  contact the website owner, register for any event, etc. 

Source: Unsplash

Webflow forms are created using a drag-and-drop interface, making them easy to design and customize without coding. You can easily create a Webflow form or hire a Webflow designer to do the job. 

Webflow Form (Cloneable)

Don’t want to make a Webflow form from scratch? You can use a template called Webflow form (cloneable). 

Webflow form (cloneable) is a pre-designed form template that can be easily copied and customized on your website. Cloneable forms are useful for quickly creating professional-looking forms without starting from scratch.

To use a cloneable form in Webflow, you must sign up for a Webflow account and create a new project. You can browse the templates available in the Webflow Form Library and choose a cloneable form that meets your needs. Once you have selected a template, you can customize it to fit your needs, such as changing the form fields or styling.

Cloneable forms are a convenient way to save time and effort when creating forms for your website. They provide a professional and user-friendly foundation that can easily be customized to fit your needs.

Types of Webflow Forms

You can create several Webflow forms, each with unique features and functionality. 

Here are a few examples:

  1. Contact Forms

It allows users to send a message to the website owner, whether to ask a question, provide feedback, or request more information. It is an excellent way to bridge the communication between the business owner and the customer. 

  1. Subscription Forms

It allows users to sign up to receive emails or newsletters from a website. They typically include fields for the user's email address and any additional information the website owner might need. Subscription forms are another good way to convert visitors into long-term leads. 

  1. Order Forms

If you’re operating an online store, order forms are a must-have. Order forms are used on e-commerce websites to allow users to purchase products or services. They usually include fields for the user's shipping and billing information and options for different products or payment methods.

  1. Survey Forms

Launched a product recently and wants to know the audience’s response? Add a survey form to your website!

Source: Unsplash

Survey forms allow website owners to gather user information through multiple-choice or open-ended questions. They are often used for market research or to gather feedback from customers.

  1. Registration Forms

It collects information from users signing up for an account or service on a website. They typically include fields for the user's name, email address, and password. They are similar to event forms.

  1. Event Forms

It collect information from users registering for an event or workshop. They usually include fields for the user's name, email address, and any additional information the website owner might need.

Event forms can be used for various purposes, such as registering for a conference, signing up for a workshop, or purchasing tickets to a concert or sporting event. Event forms can be useful for event organizers as they can easily collect and manage registration and ticketing information in one place. They can also gather additional information from attendees, such as dietary restrictions or special accommodations.

  1. Job Application Forms

Job application forms are online forms that are used by employers to collect information from job seekers during the hiring process. They typically include form fields for the job seeker to provide their personal and professional information, such as their name, contact details, education, and work experience.

Source: Unsplash

Job application forms are often used as part of an online application process, allowing job seekers to easily apply for a position by filling out the form and submitting it electronically. Employers can then review the submissions and select candidates to move forward in the hiring process.

How to Add a Form to Webflow?

Adding a Webflow form is a straightforward process that can be accomplished with a few simple steps. 

Here's how to get started:

  1. Sign up for a Webflow account and create a new project.
  2. Drag and drop form elements onto the page - Webflow forms contain various form fields, including text, email, and checkboxes. You can choose which fields to include in your form and customize them to fit your needs.
  3. Customize the layout and styling of your form - You can choose how you want your form fields to be displayed on the page and customize the font, colors, and size of your form elements. You can add custom CSS if you want to take your form styling further.
  4. Connect your form to a database - One of the most powerful features of Webflow forms is the ability to connect them to a database. This allows you to store and manage the data submitted through your form in one place. You need to use a third-party integration, such as Zapier or Google Sheets, to connect your form to a database.
  5. Add advanced form features - Webflow forms have various advanced features to help you create even more powerful forms. For example, you can use conditional logic to show or hide form fields based on the user's input or add form validation to ensure that the user has entered the correct information before submitting the form.
  6. Publish your form and test it - Once you have completed it, you can publish it to your website and test it to ensure it is functioning properly. You can also set up notifications to receive an email or text message whenever someone submits your form.

Webflow Form Customization

Customizing your Webflow form is an essential step in creating a form that meets the specific needs of your website. You can customize your Webflow form in several ways to make it more effective and user-friendly.

Source: Unsplash

Form Fields

Webflow forms contain various form fields, including text, email, and checkboxes. You can choose which fields to include in your form and customize them to fit your needs. For example, you can add a dropdown menu for users to select their country or a checkbox to opt-in to receive emails.

You can also customize the label and placeholder text for each form field. The label text is the text that appears next to the form field, while the placeholder text is the text that appears inside the form field as a hint to the user. Use descriptive and clear labels and placeholder text to help guide the user through the form.

Form Layout

The layout of your form can greatly impact its effectiveness. Webflow forms offer layout options, including inline, stacked, and multi-column. Inline layout aligns the form fields horizontally, while stacked layout aligns the form fields vertically. The multi-column layout allows you to divide the form fields into multiple columns, which can be helpful if you have a lot of form fields.

Source: Unsplash

Choose the best layout for your form and consider the space available on the page. Make sure to leave enough white space around the form to make it easy for the user to read and interact.

Form Styling

Webflow forms provide various options for customizing the appearance of your form. You can alter the font, colors, and size of the form elements and even use custom CSS for more advanced styling. These options allow you to create a form that matches the look and feel of your website and meets your specific design needs.

Consider the overall design of your website when styling your form. Use a font and color palette consistent with the rest of the website to create a cohesive look. Make sure the form is easy to read, and the buttons are large enough to be easily clicked on a mobile device.

Form Validation

Form validation is an advanced feature that ensures that the user has entered the correct information before submitting the form. Webflow forms have various validation options, including required fields, email format validation, and minimum and maximum character limits.

Use form validation to prevent errors and ensure that the user has provided all the necessary information. Make sure to clearly communicate if you come across any validation errors to the user so they can correct their input.

Conditional Logic

Conditional logic is an advanced feature that allows you to show or hide form fields based on the user's input. This can be useful if you want to show or hide certain form fields based on the user's selection.

For example, show a field for the user's phone number only if they select a certain option in a dropdown menu. To use conditional logic, you must set up rules that dictate when the form field should be shown or hidden.

Connecting Your Webflow Form to a Database

There are several benefits of connecting your Webflow form to a database. It allows you to store and manage all the data submitted through your form in one place, making it easier to analyze and use. 

It also allows you to automate certain tasks, such as sending emails to new subscribers or adding new orders to an Excel spreadsheet. 

Here's how to get started:

Choose a Database Integration Service

Several third-party services to allow you to connect your Webflow form to a database, including Zapier and Google Sheets. Choose the service that best meets your needs and sign up for an account.

Create a New Integration

Follow the instructions the integration service provides to create a new integration between your Webflow form and the database. This typically involves selecting your Webflow form as the trigger and the database as the action.

Map the Form Fields to the Database

The integration service will ask you to map the form fields to the database fields. This involves matching the form fields to the corresponding fields in the database. Make sure to map all the necessary fields to ensure all the data is transferred correctly.

Test the Integration

Once you have set up the integration, test it to ensure it is functioning properly. You can do this by filling out the form and checking the database to ensure that the data has been transferred correctly.

Activate the Integration

Once you have tested the integration and everything is working correctly, activate it to transfer data from your Webflow form to the database.

Webflow Form Submission

Viewing Webflow From Submission

When you create a Webflow form, the data submitted through the form is typically sent to a database or email address for you to access and manage. To view the form submissions, you must access the database or email account where the submissions are being sent. Suppose you use a third-party integration service to connect your form to a database. You can view the submissions in the database or by logging into the integration service.

Setting up Notifications

You can also set up notifications to receive an email or text message whenever someone submits your Webflow form. This can be useful if you want to be notified immediately when a new submission is received. To set up notifications, you must use a third-party integration tool like Zapier or IFTTT. Follow the instructions provided by the service to set up the notification trigger and choose how you want to be notified (e.g., via email, text message, etc.).

Key Takeaway

Webflow forms are a valuable resource for any website looking to engage with its users and gather important data. Whether a small business owner, blogger or web developer, Webflow forms can help you build relationships with your audience and collect valuable information to help you grow and improve your website.

Plus, forms are an excellent way to generate long-term leads. You can also contact digital marketing agencies or Webflow experts like 128.digital to do the job for you. Request a quote today.

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