Are you curious about how many leads your website is generating and converting?

Webflow Google Analytics lets you access this information and more! You can track traffic and engagement data in real-time with Webflow Google Analytics and conduct audits.

Here, we’ll get you up to speed on how to make the most of this tool by integrating Google Analytics with your Webflow projects.

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a service that lets website owners and managers track traffic and engagement on their web pages. Viewing this data against time allows the analyst some very comprehensive insight into the performance of their website over the past day, month, or even year. Patterns over 24 hours, a month, or a whole year guide the website's team on the best times to interact with their audience and maximize contact.

What is Google Analytics 4?

Google Analytics 4 is a necessity if you use Webflow for any projects. Google Analytics 4, the latest version of Google Analytics, sports some very cool features. One major difference in this version is the new data model, which focuses on scalability and flexibility.

The data monitored by Google Analytics is now based on the actions of everyone who visits your website. These actions can be as minor as clicking a button or as major as adding an item to their online shopping cart. Using machine learning to identify and classify events based on frequency and importance, Google Analytics 4 proves very scalable even if you put no effort into growing your tracking system.

How Do You Add Google Analytics in a Webflow Project?

Google Analytics is easy to integrate directly into all your Webflow projects. Navigate to the Project settings section, and look for Google Analytics settings. Next, fill the Webflow Google Analytics settings with a tracking ID and check the gtag.js and IP address anonymization options.

Go to project settings, then Integrations, and then Google Analytics
Source: Google Analytics

Integrating Google Analytics into your Webflow projects is free, but you must subscribe to one of the paying plans if you want to add custom code.

Getting Tracking ID for Webflow Google Analytics

  1. Go to the Google Analytics admin page.
  2. Create a Google Account or sign in using your existing one.
  3. Enter the necessary information about your project
  4. Accept the Terms of Service and click on Get Tracking ID
  5. Copy the Tracking (Measurement) ID to your clipboard
Webflow and Google Analytics integration
Source: Google Analytics

Pasting the Tracking ID in Your Project Settings

  • Access the Google Analytics settings for your project in your Webflow dashboard
  • Paste the ID you copied into the Google Analytics Tracking ID field
  • Save and publish your changes
google analytic tracking id on webflow
google analytic set up - piblishing options

Testing Google Analytics Integration with Your Project

Open your website and your Google Analytics dashboard in two browser tabs side by side, and you can immediately see if the integration has been successful. For real-time insights, however, Webflow and Google Analytics need a day or two of data collection to produce the information you can use.

Ecommerce Tracking with Google Analytics

Google Analytics was developed mainly for commercial purposes, focusing on e-commerce-oriented features. E-commerce website managers can track events like products viewed and added to carts and products purchased from their e-commerce Webflow projects.

Configure Google Analytics to use the global site tag
Source: Google Analytics

Anonymizing IP addresses

IP address anonymization is required if you want to comply with the legal codes of certain states and countries worldwide. This means that you will no longer have access to the IP addresses of the people who visit your website, even if you can see certain activities they perform. You can turn IP Address Anonymization on by clicking the corresponding switch on your Google Analytics settings page.

To comply with data protection authorities, enable IP anonymization in Google Analytics
Source: Google Analytics

Why Do You Need Google Analytics For Your Webflow Site?

Once integrated with your Webflow project, Google Analytics produces results in several different forms of data. In the following section, we’ve summarized all you can do with Google Analytics 4 to cultivate a fast-growing user base. 

Following are the reasons for you to consider integrating Webflow and google analytics:

  1. Track Online Traffic

Since Google Analytics will now monitor all user interactions like page views, bounce rates, and click-through rates on your Webflow website, you can improve the design and functionality of your website wherever it is not as user-friendly as it can be. 

Google Analytics in Webflow can also track the number of visitors who arrive via a search engine, visit specific pages on your site, and spend more time on certain sections and keywords that drive traffic to your site.

  1. Analyze and Understand User Behavior

Understanding how users interact with your website can create more effective marketing campaigns and improve the overall user experience. 

For example, by tracking where users click on a page, you can determine which elements of the page people find the most attractive. Study those elements and find what’s common between them, as this is probably what your users come looking for. 

Apply the same design techniques to other elements on the website that have been receiving less engagement. You can also create better ads or improve the design of your website’s navigation menus following the same method.

  1. Access to Data Reports

Get in-built reports customized to focus on your choice's Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Make sure you can distinguish between data from different marketing strategies so you can pinpoint the source anytime a lag or problem arises.

  1. Create Better Online Ads with Webflow Visitor Analytics

When you know what ads are generating the most leads on your page, you can make better-informed decisions about where to allocate smaller or larger fractions of your budget in the future. Improve your marketing tactics with Webflow visitor analytics.

  1. Conversion Tracking

Track the conversion of visitors into paying customers against time to see what hours, days, and times of the year are the most commercially active for your website so you can time your marketing campaigns better in the future. Also, keep an eye out for what parts of the website attract the most paying customers and which only generate clicks.

  1. Segment the Users Effectively

By understanding which user behaviors are most indicative of successful conversion, you can better direct your content and design efforts while ensuring that all users have an equal opportunity to experience your website. Knowing the demographics of your visitors and customers is extremely useful in targeted marketing and advertising to interact with the most lucrative demographics.

  1. Boost Your SEO and Content Marketing Efforts

Webflow visitor analytics can help improve your website's SEO and content marketing efforts. For instance, the reports it generates tell you what keywords on your website have been picked up the most frequently by search engines. Increase the usage of these keywords to optimize your website further.

128. Digital Makes The Webflow Google Analytics Integration Easy!

For easier integration of Google Analytics into your Webflow project, let 128.Digital help! Boost visitors, conversions, and revenue by getting to do the work for you and make the most of Webflow Google Analytics.

While takes care of your website, you can focus on the commercial aspects of your business.

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