Would you like to have your blog posts automatically published on Facebook? Or have your Webflow site automatically updated your title, date, and descriptive paragraph when you publish an article in another CMS? These are just a few web integrations that Webflow offers so that you can do more with Webflow.

Websites have evolved over the years. What once was just a one-page place to share information has now become a hub for everything from online shopping to company blogs and social media accounts. They’re such an integral part of modern-day life that it can be hard to keep up with the latest updates and trends your competitors are using.

You might have come across Webflow if you’ve been looking for a website builder that has everything - from hosting and domain names to analytics and online marketing tools.  It's a website builder with many integrations, and you can choose the ones you want to use based on your preferences and needs. One of its best features is integrating various third-party tools, like Google Analytics, MailChimp, and Zapier. 

In this article, we'll discuss how you can use Webflow's integrations to help you do more with your website. We'll also show you the many different Webflow integrations available to make your life easier.

Let’s start!

What Is Website Integration?

Websites communicate with each other all the time. When you view a web page, your browser sends a request to the website's server. The server then responds with the requested information.

When you enter your credit card information on a website, that information is sent to the payment processor. The payment processor verifies your information and completes the transaction.

Website integration is when a website sends or receives information from another website or application. This can be as simple as including a social media button on your website, which allows visitors to share your content on their profiles. It can also be more complex, such as setting up an e-commerce system that connects to your inventory management software.

Website integration and Webflow plugin development can make it easier for visitors to use your site and can make it more efficient for you to manage your content. It’s important to consider how you want to integrate your website with other systems before you start development.

Why Do You Need Website Integrations?

Adding integrations to your website can remove the extra steps or human resources required to complete a certain action. This works for the user and your team by automating processes, Webflow plugin development, and tasks that would otherwise need to be completed manually. This reduces the time and resources needed to complete these actions, freeing your team to focus on other tasks.

There are several different types of integrations that you can add to your website, depending on your needs. Some popular examples include social media integration, payment gateway integration, and data synchronization. Each type of integration has benefits that can help you streamline your website and make it more efficient.

Social media integration is a great way to connect with your audience and promote your brand. It allows users to log in to their social media accounts, simplifying the registration process. It also allows you to share content directly from your website to social media platforms, making it easy for users to spread the word about your business.

Payment gateway integration makes it easy for users to make purchases on your website. It eliminates the need for them to enter their credit card and PIN each time they want to make purchases. Data synchronization ensures your data is up-to-date and accurate across all devices. This is especially important if you have an eCommerce website, as it can help prevent errors during checkout.

Some of the web integrations include:

  • ERPs (enterprise resource planning)
  • Maps
  • Social media follow, like, or share buttons
  • Chatbots
  • Logistics or Warehouse Management Systems
  • Media players
  • To name just a few.
  • Sales trackers
  • Google and Microsoft suites
  • Tracking and analytics tools
  • Calendars
  • Email sign-ups
  • CRMs (customer relationship management)
  • Marketing automation
  • Payment gateways
  • Document readers
  • Accounting Software

Does Webflow Have Integrations?

Websites are no longer static pages but dynamic experiences that must be constantly updated and engaging. Webflow's integrations allow you to do just that by integrating your site with other powerful tools and platforms.

Webflow has a library of free integrations covering a wide range of needs, from e-commerce to marketing and social media. And if you need even more functionality, there are plenty of paid integration options. No matter what you're looking for, chances are good that Webflow has an integration that can help you achieve it.

These integrations are easy to set up and use, so you can start seeing results quickly. No need to hire a developer or spend hours learning a new platform. With Webflow, you can start immediately and reap the benefits of increased sales and engagement on your site.

What Are Webflow Integrations?

Webflow integrations are a powerful way to add value and unlock functionality for your users. By connecting different apps and services, you can automate many of the tasks that keep a business running smoothly.

For example, you can use Webflow integrations to connect your accounting software to your CRM or your email marketing service to your ecommerce platform. This way, you can automatically keep track of sales and customer data in one place without manually entering it into multiple systems.

Webflow integrations can also save you time by automating repetitive tasks. For instance, if you regularly need to update your website with new blog posts or product information, you can automatically set up an integration to do this for you. This way, you can focus on other areas of running your business while keeping your website up-to-date.

There are a wide variety of Webflow integrations available, so you can tailor them to fit the specific needs of your business. Whether you're looking to streamline your workflow or provide more value for your customers, Webflow integrations can help you achieve your goals.

How Do Webflow Integrations Benefit Your Business?

Webflow integrations can benefit your business in several ways. Automating repetitive tasks can free up time for your team to focus on more important things. Additionally, integrating with other popular software can help you improve efficiency and get more out of your investment. 

Here are some specific benefits that Webflow integrations can provide:

1. Automation of Repetitive Tasks

Webflow integrations can automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, form submission, and email responses. This can save your team significant time, which you can use for more productive activities.

2. Improved Efficiency

Integrating with other software can help you improve your overall efficiency. For example, if you use accounting software, you can integrate it with Webflow to automatically generate invoices and track payments. This eliminates the need to manually enter data into both systems, saving time and reducing the chance of errors.

3. Get More Out of Your Investment

By integrating with other software, you can get more value from your investment in Webflow. For example, if you use a CRM system, you can integrate it with Webflow to automatically generate leads and track sales pipeline progress. This allows you to make the most of your Webflow investment by using it as a central hub for all your business data.

4. Positive user experience

Webflow integrations can create a more positive user experience by making it easier for users to find and use the information they need. By integrating with other web-based applications, Webflow can provide a single sign-on for users and allow them to access their data from any device. 

Additionally, Webflow’s integration with social media platforms can help create a more positive user experience by allowing users to share content and connect with others.

5. Free up staff time

Automating tasks and processes can free up staff time to focus on other tasks. This can lead to reduced staffing costs and an overall reduction in operating costs.

When you integrate Webflow with other tools, you can automate many tasks that would otherwise take up staff time. For example, you can use Zapier to automatically add new Webflow contacts to your CRM or set up an integration with your email marketing tool to send triggered emails when someone signs up for your newsletter. 

By freeing up staff time with integrations, you can focus on more important tasks, like developing new features for your site or growing your business.

6. Shorter service turnaround times

We all know that time is money. The faster you can turn around a service, the more money you can make. That's why shorter service turnaround times are so important.

In addition, integration can lead to shorter service turnaround times. By automating tasks and processes, you can eliminate bottlenecks and speed up the overall flow of work. This can lead to faster service delivery times and improved customer satisfaction.

With Webflow integrations, you can streamline your workflow and get your services turned around faster than ever. Automating repetitive tasks and integrating with other applications can free your time to focus on more important things.

Shorter service turnaround times mean more money in your pocket. It's as simple as that. So if you want to improve your bottom line, Webflow integrations are the way to go.

Best Webflow Integrations

There are many ways that you can use Webflow to supercharge your site and unlock value for both yourself and your visitors. 

Here are a few of the best Webflow integrations we recommend:


Suppose you're looking for a way to increase customer interaction on your site. With this plugin installed, a chat box will appear on your page, allowing visitors to chat with you or your team in real-time. This is a great way to answer questions and help them make purchase decisions.

Intercom’s Webflow integration Commerce.ai
Intercom’s Webflow integration Commerce.ai

Intercom Acquire also integrates seamlessly into Webflow projects. You can capture and convert leads into customers using the same real-time chat interface. Plus, with all of Intercom's powerful features, you can maximize your customer engagement and boost sales conversions.


Dynamic Embeds is one of the most powerful Webflow ecommerce integrations that let you add products from your Shopify account to your Webflow site using an embedded Shopify widget. This allows you to create a custom ecommerce store without having to code anything!

Shopify integration for Webflow, Dynamic Embeds
Shopify integration for Webflow, Dynamic Embeds

Webflow ecommerce integrations are simple to set up and use, and it's even easier to customize the look and feel of your shop with Webflow's powerful design tools. Plus, since your shop is hosted on Shopify, you'll benefit from all the features and security that come with that platform.

If you're looking for a way to take your Webflow site to the next level, then Dynamic Embeds is worth checking out!

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free and powerful tool that can help you measure your website traffic and track visitors’ country of origin and even their browsers. While site visitors won’t see the beauty of Google Analytics, you will be able to see how they interact with your site and understand their behavior better. By understanding your audience better, you can make better decisions on improving your website to serve them better.

Google Analytics integration for Webflow
Google Analytics integration for Webflow 

To set up your Google Analytics Webflow integration API, you'll need to be logged in to the Google account you want to associate with your Analytics data. 

Once logged in, visit your Project Settings and scroll down to the Integrations section. Click on the link to the right of "Google Analytics," Webflow integration API, which will take you to the GA site. From there, you can set up your tracking code and begin tracking your site's traffic and activity.


MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms, and for a good reason. It's easy to use, has many features, and integrates seamlessly with Webflow.

With MailChimp, you can easily create beautiful emails that match your brand and target your audience. You can also segment your list and send targeted emails to different segments, which is great for personalization. Plus, with MailChimp's A/B testing feature, you can test different subject lines or email content to see what performs best with your audience.

And if you're working on a team, MailChimp has some great features for collaboration, too. You can easily add team members and give them different permissions so they can help you with your email marketing campaigns.

Overall, MailChimp is a great tool for email marketing automation and segmentation. If you're not using it already, integrate it into your Webflow project!


SoundCloud is one of the world's largest audio distribution platforms, and it's super-easy to integrate with Webflow CMS. Using the SoundCloud Webflow CMS integration, you can upload and share your sounds with the world and then embed those sounds into your Webflow site.

Webflow website integrated with SoundCloud integration
Webflow website integrated with SoundCloud integration

This Webflow CMS integration makes it easy to embed SoundCloud content into your site. Simply enter the URL of the sound you want to embed, and the widget will take care of the rest. You can customize the player's Skin and Color Scheme to match your site's design.

Best of all, SoundCloud is free, so if you're looking for a way to add audio content to your site, there's no reason not to try it.


Whether it’s taking form submissions; sending them to the Webflow CMS; or taking the information on the fly from a Google Sheet, inputting the data to your Webflow CMS, and then publishing that data, Zapier can automate all of those processes for you—and more.

Zapier is an online automation tool that connects your favorite apps, such as Webflow, Gmail, Slack, and over 5,000 others. With Zapier, you can easily create workflows (called "Zaps") to automate repetitive tasks without writing code.

A Zapier integrates website
A Zapier integrates website 

For example, you want to automatically send new Webflow form submissions to your Google Sheets spreadsheet. With Zapier, you can set up a Zap that will do just that—whenever a new form submission is received in Webflow, Zapier will add a new row to your Google Sheet.

You can also use Zapier to automatically publish new items from your Google Sheet to your Webflow CMS. This is especially useful if you use Google Sheets as a makeshift database for an event or product catalog. With this Zap enabled, Zapier will create a new item in your Webflow CMS collection whenever you add a new row to your Google Sheet.

How Do You Integrate Zapier To Webflow?

To get started, sign up for a Zapier account if you don’t already have one. Then add your Webflow account to your connected accounts on Zapier.

First, authorize Zapier access to your Webflow account. Webflow uses the same type of authentication as Facebook and Google. Zapier integrates cleanly with Zapier without having to input credentials multiple times. Zapier doesn't have access to your account info.


Webflow's HubSpot integration is a powerful tool that lets you directly connect your beautifully designed Webflow forms to your HubSpot fields from your project settings. Such Webflow form integrations allow you to seamlessly transfer data between the two platforms, making it easy to sync your marketing and sales data.

A HubSpot integrated website
A HubSpot integrated website

With this integration, you can easily map your form fields to the corresponding HubSpot fields so that all your data is automatically transferred. This saves you time and ensures that your data is always accurate.

Plus, since your forms are designed in Webflow, they perfectly match the rest of your site's design. This gives you a consistent look and feel across your marketing channels, making it easy for potential customers to recognize your brand.

Does Webflow Integrate With Hubspot?

Yes. Webflow's HubSpot integration will save you time and make your work easier.  The Webflow form integrations allow you to connect a Webflow form with the corresponding form fields from your HubSpot account within project settings.

Common Ninja

If you have multiple social media accounts and feeds you want to connect to your Webflow site, Common Ninja makes it easy to do it all in one shot. With Common Ninja, you can connect your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram feeds to your Webflow site and automatically post new content from your social media accounts to your site. You can also use Common Ninja to create custom RSS feeds for your Webflow site to easily syndicate content from other sources.

Common Ninja website homepage
Common Ninja website homepage

With Common Ninja, you can manage all your content in one place, making it easy to keep track of your social media presence.


The CozyCal and Webflow integration is one of our favorite integrations because it makes it easy for visitors to make appointments with you. All they have to do is click on the "Book Now" button on your website, and they'll be taken to a page where they can select an available time slot.

CozyCal website homepage
CozyCal website homepage

Once selected, they'll be prompted to enter contact information and pay for the appointment. After that, you'll receive an email notification with the appointment details and payment. The whole process takes just a few minutes.


The Foxy and Webflow integration allows you to generate buttons and links so users can shop online and check out. This integration allows you to add e-commerce functionality to your Webflow site without coding anything. Simply connect your Foxy account to your Webflow site, and you can start selling products immediately.

Foxy website homepage
Foxy website homepage 

The integration between Foxy and Webflow is simple to use. All you need to do is connect your Foxy account to your Webflow site. Once you've done that, you can start adding products and setting up payment options. The whole process is extremely straightforward, and it's a great way to add ecommerce functionality to your site.

If you're looking for an easy way to sell products on your Webflow site, then the Foxy and Webflow integration is worth checking out. It's simple to use and will save you a lot of time and effort in the long run.


If you have a lot of products that visitors need to search through on your website, Jetboost can help make the process easier. Integrating with Jetboost allows you to use powerful search features to help visitors easily find what they're looking for. 

Jetboost website homepage
Jetboost website homepage 

This can be a big help if you have a large inventory or if your products are complex and hard to search for. In addition, Jetboost's integration with other platforms can help you keep track of your inventory and customers more easily. Jetboost can make it easier for visitors to use your website and help you run your business more smoothly. 


If you operate an ecommerce store, Monto is an app that can greatly improve your business. There are five Webflow integrations available.

  1. Abandoned Cart Recovery allows you to recover lost sales by automatically sending reminder emails to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts. 
  2. Affiliate and Referral Management helps you track and manage your affiliates and referral partners.
  3. Multi-Currency lets you sell multiple currencies on your Webflow site. 
  4. Reviews allow you to collect customer reviews and testimonials. 
  5. Simple Subscriptions make setting up subscription-based products and services on your Webflow site easy.
Monto website homepage
Monto website homepage 

Monto is a powerful tool that can help you take your ecommerce business to the next level. With the five Webflow integrations, you can streamline your operations, improve customer service, and boost your bottom line.

Is Webflow compatible with WordPress?

Do you want to use WordPress for your site's CMS but prefer to build pages in Webflow? No problem: now you can use the Webflow plugin for WordPress to create pages in Webflow that you then serve directly on one or more pages of your WordPress site. This Webflow plugin for WordPress feature has many benefits, including complete control over the design without needing to work with code.

Say Goodbye To The Pain Of Integration Management With 128. digital! 

Webflow is a powerful tool for creating responsive websites. But what sets it apart is its ability to integrate easily with other web-based applications. This makes it an ideal platform for businesses that want to create a seamless online experience for their customers. And with its growing community of developers, new integrations are always being created that can take your Webflow site to the next level.

Let 128. digital handle your integration management so you can focus on growing your business. We provide a full suite of smart integrations for Webflow that take just a few clicks to set up! 

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