Texting Base




Texting Base



Texting Base is a leading spam-free texting software company that specializes in helping businesses across various industries to reach their customers in a more effective and efficient way through text messaging marketing. The company's flexible software solutions enable businesses to engage with their customers in a meaningful way, build lasting relationships, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

Texting Base's software is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for businesses to quickly create and send personalized text messages to their customers. The software also includes powerful automation features, enabling businesses to set up automated campaigns, such as appointment reminders, promotional messages, and customer surveys.

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Texting Base company wanted a fresh new website that could effectively communicate their message to their primary target audience, which consisted of small to medium-sized businesses and enterprise businesses.

The goal was to make the website easy to navigate, so visitors could find the content they needed quickly and take the next step in engagement with Texting Base, whether it was signing up for a 14-day free trial or purchasing their services.

To achieve this goal, clients wanted to ensure that their website had a clear and concise message that would resonate with their target audience. They also needed to make sure that their website was visually appealing and easy to use, with intuitive navigation and a responsive design that would work well on a variety of devices.

The solution


128 Digital used a variety of design and content strategies to create a website that was user-friendly and visually appealing. There are clear call-to-actions throughout the site, making it easy for visitors to take the next step in the customer journey. We also made sure that the content was easily accessible and high-impact, emphasizing Texting Base's industry expertise, mission, and values.

The content was formatted in a way that was easy for users to navigate and digest, with clear headings and subheadings, bullet points, and concise paragraphs. This made it easy for visitors to quickly find the information they needed and understand Texting Base's value proposition.

128 Digital also made sure that the website was responsive and worked well on a variety of devices, including mobile phones and tablets. This ensured that visitors could access the website and engage with the company regardless of their location or device.



To achieve the desired response of easy navigation, accessible content, and sign-ups or purchases, 128 Digital designed and developed a website with a clear and concise message about what Texting Base does and why they do it. The site is visually appealing and provides a simple and streamlined user experience with clear call-to-actions.

128 Digital also strategically placed content and imagery to emphasize Texting Base's industry expertise, mission, and values. The content is formatted in a way that is easy for users to navigate and digest, and the site is optimized for search engines to increase visibility and drive traffic.

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