

Service Group





Orion is an investment company that specializes in growing field services businesses by investing in market-leading companies and creating unparalleled growth opportunities for them. The company has a reputation as a trusted partner in the field services industry, thanks to its investment philosophy and approach, as well as its commitment to supporting exceptional field services businesses.

Orion's investment philosophy is based on a long-term, value-based approach that emphasizes building lasting partnerships with the companies in which it invests. The company's team of experienced investment professionals works closely with management teams to identify areas of growth and develop strategies to maximize value.

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A poorly designed website can make it difficult for visitors to find the information they need, leading to frustration and a negative user experience. For Orion, potential partners needed to quickly and easily find information about the company's investment strategy, approach, and portfolio. A streamlined navigation structure was necessary to ensure visitors could find what they were looking for easily.

The solution


At 128, we believe that the key to successful web development and web design is a customer-focused approach. We started by getting to know Orion and their unique needs, so we could create a website that accurately reflected their brand and values. From there, we used cutting-edge technology and design principles to create a website that was visually stunning, easy to navigate, and optimized for search engines.

To improve the website's visibility and reach, we optimized it for search engines. This involved researching relevant keywords and incorporating them into the website's content, headlines, and meta descriptions. We also made technical improvements to the website's structure and performance, such as optimizing page load times and ensuring the website was mobile-friendly. These changes helped improve the website's search engine ranking, making it more likely to appear in search results when potential partners were looking for investment opportunities in the field services industry.



At 128, we worked closely with Orion to create a custom web development and web design solution. We created a custom design for Orion's website that reflected the company's brand identity and investment philosophy. The new design incorporated a modern, sleek look that was visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Our team ensured that the design was consistent with Orion's messaging and tone, creating a cohesive user experience that reinforced the company's commitment to excellence, innovation, and growth.

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