Ink Lantern


Software Product





Amazing project created by our team - a fresh new website for CRANT company product - Ink Lantern. Ink Lantern is a company that offers a unique approach to brand intelligence through its innovative product. The company was founded with the goal of empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions that improve their brand visibility and ultimately lead to greater success.

At the core of Ink Lantern's approach is its proprietary technology, which is designed to collect and analyze large amounts of data related to a brand's online presence. By leveraging this technology, Ink Lantern is able to provide businesses with actionable insights that help them optimize their digital marketing strategies, improve their online reputation, and better understand their target audience.

With a focus on innovation and data-driven insights, Ink Lantern is well-positioned to help businesses succeed in an increasingly competitive digital landscape. Its commitment to providing actionable insights that help businesses optimize their online presence is reflected in the success of its clients and the growing reputation of the company.

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When CRANT reached out to us, they expressed their desire for a dedicated website to showcase their impressive product, Ink Lantern. 128 Digital needed to create a website design that reflected the company's innovative and modern approach to increasing brand relevance in DEI's social media narrative.

The solution


We conducted in-depth research into Crant's brand and product, as well as their target audience and competitors. We then worked closely with Crant to create a design that accurately reflected their brand image and messaging. We also ensured that the website was optimized for search engine optimization (SEO) to improve its visibility on search engines. Additionally, we made sure that the website loaded quickly to provide a seamless user experience for visitors.

The website's user experience was also a key consideration in the development process. 128 Digital ensured that the site was easy to navigate, with clear calls-to-action and informative content that provided value to visitors. Additionally, custom-built metrics were implemented to track the success of the website's marketing efforts and help optimize future strategies.



The end result of the collaboration between Crant and 128 Digital was a sleek and modern website for Ink Lantern that effectively showcased the product's unique features and value proposition. The design is visually appealing, with a focus on ease of use and functionality. The website is also optimized for SEO to ensure that it ranks highly in search engines and attracts relevant traffic.

Overall, the new website successfully communicated the value of Ink Lantern and provided visitors with an engaging and informative experience.

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